Tuesday, February 13, 2007

beep! beep!! beep!!!

Semi-trucks scare me. They have for quite sometime now. I think my fear first began when I had to drive my teeny tiny car between two big scary semi's. Plus, they never see my car and so I feel like they are going to run me over. One almost did one time! But the are like on my top list of fears. I have to honk at them just so they know I'm there! However, I learned recently that at night if a semi truck needs to switch lanes, you provide room and then flash your brights at them so that they know they have room. And then they are suppose to flash their lights back to say thank you. If they don't then they are rude and mean and evil. But yea, I'm just not a fan. Although sometimes they are quite comical. Like this one time, my roommate and I were driving on the freeway and this one truck was following a car and the car was moving quite slow so the semi drove around him saw that the driver was talking on his cell and so the semi driver stuck his hand out the window and made a talking sign towards the driver...it was hysterical. But yea, semi-trucks are like the whales of the freeway.

Future Posts:
*Randomness of me
*Guarding the heart/ defining moment
*National Anthem
*Growing Up
*Blast from the Past
(I know there's a lot to write about but I'll get to them all, I promise.)

"Everyone has problems, some are just better at hiding them."

1 comment:

Ryan Maguire said...

"semi-trucks are like the whales of the freeway."

Well said. I give you mad props for updating your blog on such a regular basis.