Friday, August 31, 2007


Rest. Ice. Compression. Elevation.

for those of you who have played sports you may know what this may be applied to.

a sprained ankle.

yup. I sprayed my ankle.

I shouldn't be surprised. It was only a matter of time. Lately when I've been playing basketball I've been getting a little clumsy and losing my balance a lot. I thought maybe I was getting better at standing since I did stay upright most of the time. Of course, there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. My good thing was balance. I went kerplop last night while playing basketball. My ankle took a hard fall and was painful. Luckily I have amazing friends who were all very helpful. Today though kind of sucked. I woke up with my ankle hurting more than ever and I went to the Student Health Center and they just looked at it and sent me on my merry way after giving me an appointment. I hobbled from class to class (not fun). It was kind of fun doing the directing scene because me and my partner switched roles since her character was suppose to have a hurt ankle! I didn't have to act at all! But the bad part of the day was that I got a parking ticket for not getting back to my car in time. I was only 5 minutes late! It was so dumb. I was parked at the Health Center and I had to park as close as I could because I couldn't walk! It's not my fault the school is retarded and can't aid those in need. So I went to contest the ticket and I told them I thought they were lame. I eventually had to result in calling a police escort to drive me to the health center so I wouldn't die. After waiting for hours, and making a new friend also in my current predicament, I was X-rayed, bandaged up, put on crutches and sent home. Luckily for me, I had my good friend Tyler who was willing to drive and pick me up and take me to my car. Oof what an eventful day. At least I didn't have to work. I showed up and they sent me right back home....oh well!

Quote of the Post:
Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, your reputation is merely what people think you are and your character is who you really are.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

1st Week of My Second Year of College

Holy smokes...I'm a sophomore in college! That's so crazy to me! It seems like I should still be wandering the campus lost and confused but instead I'm rockin it like a rock star! So the beginning of the week ended with me in an emotional breakdown, but what else is new. My classes are pretty chill for the most part and I feel I can do pretty well in them. I may get fired for all my schedule changes in what not, but I'm hoping for the best. School isn't really all that important to me as bad as that sounds. Sure I want to do well, and I will try my damnest to do so, but it's not the first thing on my mind. Right now, I am just so caught up in all the great things God is doing in my life and with Campus Crusade. Our first meeting of the year had over 100 people!!! It was crazy! I remember I was in the back room with the worship team praying and when we came out the Titan Theatre was packed! I was seriously in a state of awe, I had no idea what to do! It was crazy and amazing! DJ did a great job with the message too. Ahh I'm still so excited about Crusade! And our first Dorm Revival had more people than ever before! I believe at the end of the night the final tally was 30, which was amazing!!! Mark is a pretty solid speaker as well. After this great first week, I have high hopes for the rest of the semester and I cannot wait to see what else God presents to me! So I may not believe I'm actually in my second year of college, but I sure am ready to strut my stuff!!!

Quote of the post:

Far too many people are looking for the right person, instead of just trying to be the right person.


So I usually don't like the summer. It's not that I enjoy school but I like the idea of having something productive to do. In the summer I feel as though I am just wasting time. But this summer was GREAT! The first half of it was non stop greatness. I temporarily ended my tutoring job which was sad but necessary, and my students even gave me a gift card to was awesome =). Then I had my birthday and I finally turned the big 1-9. Last year of being a teenager! I went to go see Hairspray for my birthday (the Broadway one not the movie!) and it was absolutely the most amazing show I had ever seen. Breath-taking. Then I pretty much spent most of the summer in Fullerton where I just spent time with my AMAZING friends! Of course I had to get a job but it is ok, I like my new job. I currently work for Barnes & Noble in Fashion Island. It's a bit of a drive but it's alright, I like it down there. I have officially been there for 2 months now. Then summer school happend which sucked but it was ok because Ryan came back from Japan so I was able to text him the whole time. Which reminds me, I was finally able to catch a couple of Ryan's races and they were amazing and super fun! I loved seeing him rock it out in his element. Summer school really did suck but it was ok because I still got to hang out with friends. And the summer ended out with a bang. I literally saw some of the same Crusade people for the 5 days in a row up until school started. I really can't think of anyone better to spend time with. Those crusaders are quality people, that's for sure.

Quote of the post:

Ships in harbor are sae, but that's not what ships are made for.

First Year of College

Ok so my first year was like a freaking roller coaster like no other. I mean it started out crappy, which in my mind was what started the downhill part of the ride. I think if the year started out really well, then maybe the year would have turned out ok. But of course things couldn't work out that way. But in spite of all the bad that much good happened as well and to me, it kind of countered out the bad. And what was so good about last year? Four words. Campus Crusade for Christ. I can't even begin to imagine what my school year would have been like if I hadn't met all my friends from Crusade. I seriously can't believe how many great friendships I've made in just a short while. I even met one of my best friends, and without him, I'm not sure how I'd make it day to day. So although my teachers could have been better, grades could have been better, and life could have been better, it didn't really matter to me since I knew I had all my new friends on my side and I definitely feel as though I've definitely been having a closer relationship with God because of Crusade.

Quote of the post:

There are no wrong choice; there are only different choices.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

I promise...

I'll update in like a will be different this time...I'll try to continue with a quote of each post but I will probably not add "future posts" just because...well I can't predict the future!!! Anyways, if you want to know about any of the posts that I didn't post, just let me know and I'd be happy to tell you!!! Hope everyone had an awesome summer!