Saturday, December 23, 2006

Sorry, You're Not Insured/ Feliz Navidad!

Yup two posts in one!!!

Sorry, You're Not Insured:

So nothing too special about this story although it has some serious and depressing outcomes.
Now, I'm not completely dependent on my phone. I mean I don't feel I need to be on it every second of every day like some people I know but I like having it with me. I mean my phone is my watch, my alarm clock, my camera, and my communicator. I can go a while without it, like if I leave it at home or something but like long periods of time are not so good, especially driving on the freeway! I feel a lot better driving on the freeway when I have my phone. If I get tired I want to be able to call someone to stay awake, and if my crap of a car breaks again I need a phone to be able to call my mom or AAA or something.
Now maybe the last week or two, it has been harder to charge my phone, like the charger didn't want to stay in but I didn't really think anything of it. But maybe around Monday or Tuesday the charger wouldn't go in at all and that's when I realized something wasn't right and so I started to keep my phone off for periods of time but the battery was still almost dead. On Thursday though, I finally took my phone into the Verizon store and I was helped right away. It seemed like I was in an Emergency Room and I had the worse case scenerio. The guy looked at my phone and told me that the part in my phone that the charger connects to fell out and so yea my phone became deceased. The guy said that since I was not insured he couldn't fix it, he couldn't even give me a quick battery zap so I could get back to Temecula. He said the only way to fix it was to buy a whole new phone. When he said that I'm pretty sure I gave him the death look. I was like umm I don't have money so I'm just going to go and I grabbed my phone and left before I started crying from being overly stressed. So more phone for Jessica. =(

Feliz Navidad!:

So yesterday a group from The Pointe (my college group at church) went down to Mexicali, Mexico. There were maybe about 20 of us that went, including my friend Ryan from Fullerton. We met at around 6am and headed down to Mexico. It was a long drive but of course it was worth it. Our first stop of the day was at Casa de Pan, or Bread House. It is an elderly care facility with about 7 senior citizens. 4 females 3 males. It was a lot of fun, I was kind of hesitant at first because its hard with the language barrier but I bonded with one of the old guys and he was cool, I liked him a lot. After hanging with them for a little bit we ate lunch with them and then handed them their presents. That was so much fun, you could tell they really enjoyed it...even though they did get a little embarassed when they opened their gift box of chonies! After everything was put away we talked with them a little more until sadly we had to leave. Our next stop was a daycare run by the same guy as Casa de Pan. This daycare started out with about 5 kids and now they probably have about 30. These kids were too cute for words. They ranged from about 2- 9, boys and girls. We didn't stay nearly as long but we did donate some toys and all the kids were happy to have something new to play with. It's always a nice feeling to know you've made at least one person feel loved and wanted. Around 5:30 we finally made our departure from Mexico and went to go wait in a long line for the border. I fell asleep on the wait so it wasn't too bad and we crossed the border with no problems. After stopping at Jack in the Box for a quick bite to eat, we started the long drive back. Unfortunately we almost didn't make it. For most of the drive our van kept making weird noises but we didn't really do anything about it. When we were about 20 minutes from Temecula though, the car powered down and luckily Max was able to get the van over to the side of the road. We then had a group prayer, asking for guidance and faith to get us home. Luckily other people from our group saw us and pulled over. We realized it was a gas problem even though it said we had half a tank, and the other group went to go get us some gas and we were able to make it home safely. But wow, it was kind of scary. Even through all that though, yesterday was a really good day and I hadn't had one of those in a while. It was nice.

Future Posts:
Cheating Scandal
Road Trip to Humboldt

"You can more your soul out singing, a song you believe in, that tomorrow they'll forget you ever sang; sing it anyway"
~Martina McBride

Thursday, December 21, 2006

No, I Did NOT Order A Side Of Gravy!

Ok, so we've all had those moments where we are just really craving some fast food. Sure it's not healthy or anything but sometimes you just want a burger or some fries. And is that so much to ask for? Of course not! And is it so hard to get your five dollar meal made right? It shouldn't be! But we've all encountered the occassional mistake made during a drive-thru experience. You ask for no pickles and they give you pickles. You ask for cheese and they leave you hanging. And, once or twice is ok, I mean it happens. I've made mistakes before and so I can excuse it a couple of times. But tonight was the LAST straw!!!
Ok so whenever I go to KFC I usually order one of their KFC famous bowls and a side of macaroni and cheese. And I mean this is like one of my favorite meals from fast food, I just love the mac and cheese! One time about maybe a month or so ago I went through the drive-thru, ordered my food, got my food, then proceeded home while little birds were chirping outside. However, the music stopped once I reached my apartment. I settled myself on one of the couches (because we don't have a table) took out my food and what did I see? Not mac and cheese that's for sure! They gave me a side of mashed potatoes! Ok, usually I like mashed potatoes but I already ordered a mashed potato bowl! Why on earth would I want more! I mean come on now, lets just use some common sense people! But you know, being my kind and forgiving self...(no comment from reader is necessary)... I let it slide that one time. But then tonight, I was sitting home by myself and I thought, "hmm I could really go for some KFC mac and cheese right now" and so I made my trek back into the cold to go after my desire for the night. When I ordered my usual meal I made sure that I said very cleary that I wanted MACARONI AND CHEESE. When I got to the register I was like alright, I rock, I'm getting my mac and cheese, hooray! Yea that mood didn't last long. Because as I slowly pulled away I looked in the bag to double check and what do I find? Again...NOT macaroni and cheese! I mean what more could I do to get these people to give me a small thing of cheesy pasta?? My goodness!!! Now, who wants to know what they did give me instead? (scans audience to see many hands raised) Alright I'll tell you! They gave me a side of gravy!!!! Why would I want a side of gravy?! Never mind that, how on earth do you get a side of gravy from MACARONI AND CHEESE!!! Wow KFC is definitely on my "don't go to" list. Sheesh.
On a better note...I made snickerdoodles tonight. They look kind of funny but they taste ok! My roommate went back for a second one so I'm assuming that's a good sign!
Oh but back to bad phone is trying to commit suicide...why? I don't know, you'd have to ask him yourself!

Future Posts:
Cheating Scandal
Roadtrip to Humboldt

" If I had to live my life again, I'd make the same mistake, only sooner"
~Tallulah Bankhead

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Life of a First Semester College Freshman

Hello! This is my first posting on my first blog. I'm hoping these will soon become entertaining to friends and strangers alike.
The title of this post should be fairly self-explanatory. Since I am new to the world of blogging I must give you all a little background. I'm not about to go tell my whole life story or anything because any important details will eventually become known later in the future. But if you are a friend reading this or not, you may not know about all the "joys" I encountered upon entering college. So as my first ever post I will continue to ramble on about my first semester of college.
As of late November 2005, I received my acceptance letter to Cal State Fullerton. Some considered that an acheivment, others not so much. However, I felt very accomplished and happy for myself. I knew I wanted to go to Cal State Fullerton ever since my sophomore year of highschool when I first became really involved in theatre. CSUF has an AMAZING theatre program and I decided that was what I wanted to do in life (I think) and so Fullerton was where I was headed. But of course, it wasn't as easy as that. My school in Temecula failed to inform me about everything that needed to be known upon entrace. One big thing was not telling me about housing at Fullerton. Apparently to get a dorm, I should have applied for housing when I applied to the school. When did Jessica apply for housing you may ask? IN APRIL!!! Yea a little late right? Except, I wasn't going to give up just yet and so I held on to the hopes that maybe, just maybe I'd be given a dorm. But then August comes around and wouldn't you know it, Jessica was about to become one of the many grumpy commuters traveling west on the 91. School started somewhat ok, I made a new friend named Liz. Ok now before I continue, let me tell you about Liz. I decided to sit by her in class because she walks in, sits down, and just exclaims fairly loud "I'm not gonna lie, I'm a freshman and I have NO idea what I'm doing". After that I just knew I needed to hang out with her. Ever since then we've become really really great friends. We enjoy the same things and pretty much think the same thing at the same time. We had three classes together and next semester we will hopefully have four. Now, back to the story. My class schedule looked something like this: Monday: Art of Theatre 10-10:50, Intro to Stagecraft 11:30-12:45, Scenic Lab 1-3, Oral Communications 4-5:15, Theatre 478B 7-9:45: Tuesday: College Algebra 7-8:50: Wednesday: Art of Theatre 10-10:50, Intro to Stagecraft 11:30-12:45, Oral Communications 4-5:15: Thursday: College Algebra 7-8:50: Friday: Art of Theatre 10-10:50. Fun right? Yea most of it was. Anyways, before I get to the pros and cons of the college experience I'll get to the non-school related part of first semester. After two weeks I decided I could not do the commuting thing and I quickly found some girls looking for a roommate and I checked it out, then my mom checked it out, and before you knew it, I was moved in. Things know what, I'll save my apartment experience for a later post. Anyways, I also found a job as an Avid Tutor and you know what? I actually like going to work as opposed to more than half of people older than me who hate their jobs. But again, another story for another post. So back to school. Instead of rambling on more and more I will just speak of the positive highlights for now. Meeting some amazing new friends, have techie movie nights, getting an A on my first ever midterm, being more outgoing and actually meeting people, meeting people from Campus Crusade, met a great friend Ryan through Crusade, TSU Crusade party, my party, roadtrip to Humboldt, Seussical, all other CSUF productions, Christmas Crusade Party, watching plays and seeing stuff I built, selling my books and getting 46 dollars back! A pretty good year right? Yea not so much. Now lets look at the cons I experienced this first year of college. The list is actually very very short. The only downside was my Intro to Stagecraft class...well not so much the class as the teacher. Again, this will be explained in another post but to give you a brief rundown, the teacher Bill Meyer, accused Liz and I of cheating and then behind our backs underhandedly "handled" the situation to the point that Liz and I couldn't appeal it if we wanted to. A jerk? Yes, a class A jerk.
Well I hope you enjoyed this rambling of my first semester at Cal State Fullerton and I hope you look forward my future posts.

Future Posts:
*Cheating Scandal

"I do not know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody"
~Bill Cosby