Saturday, December 23, 2006

Sorry, You're Not Insured/ Feliz Navidad!

Yup two posts in one!!!

Sorry, You're Not Insured:

So nothing too special about this story although it has some serious and depressing outcomes.
Now, I'm not completely dependent on my phone. I mean I don't feel I need to be on it every second of every day like some people I know but I like having it with me. I mean my phone is my watch, my alarm clock, my camera, and my communicator. I can go a while without it, like if I leave it at home or something but like long periods of time are not so good, especially driving on the freeway! I feel a lot better driving on the freeway when I have my phone. If I get tired I want to be able to call someone to stay awake, and if my crap of a car breaks again I need a phone to be able to call my mom or AAA or something.
Now maybe the last week or two, it has been harder to charge my phone, like the charger didn't want to stay in but I didn't really think anything of it. But maybe around Monday or Tuesday the charger wouldn't go in at all and that's when I realized something wasn't right and so I started to keep my phone off for periods of time but the battery was still almost dead. On Thursday though, I finally took my phone into the Verizon store and I was helped right away. It seemed like I was in an Emergency Room and I had the worse case scenerio. The guy looked at my phone and told me that the part in my phone that the charger connects to fell out and so yea my phone became deceased. The guy said that since I was not insured he couldn't fix it, he couldn't even give me a quick battery zap so I could get back to Temecula. He said the only way to fix it was to buy a whole new phone. When he said that I'm pretty sure I gave him the death look. I was like umm I don't have money so I'm just going to go and I grabbed my phone and left before I started crying from being overly stressed. So more phone for Jessica. =(

Feliz Navidad!:

So yesterday a group from The Pointe (my college group at church) went down to Mexicali, Mexico. There were maybe about 20 of us that went, including my friend Ryan from Fullerton. We met at around 6am and headed down to Mexico. It was a long drive but of course it was worth it. Our first stop of the day was at Casa de Pan, or Bread House. It is an elderly care facility with about 7 senior citizens. 4 females 3 males. It was a lot of fun, I was kind of hesitant at first because its hard with the language barrier but I bonded with one of the old guys and he was cool, I liked him a lot. After hanging with them for a little bit we ate lunch with them and then handed them their presents. That was so much fun, you could tell they really enjoyed it...even though they did get a little embarassed when they opened their gift box of chonies! After everything was put away we talked with them a little more until sadly we had to leave. Our next stop was a daycare run by the same guy as Casa de Pan. This daycare started out with about 5 kids and now they probably have about 30. These kids were too cute for words. They ranged from about 2- 9, boys and girls. We didn't stay nearly as long but we did donate some toys and all the kids were happy to have something new to play with. It's always a nice feeling to know you've made at least one person feel loved and wanted. Around 5:30 we finally made our departure from Mexico and went to go wait in a long line for the border. I fell asleep on the wait so it wasn't too bad and we crossed the border with no problems. After stopping at Jack in the Box for a quick bite to eat, we started the long drive back. Unfortunately we almost didn't make it. For most of the drive our van kept making weird noises but we didn't really do anything about it. When we were about 20 minutes from Temecula though, the car powered down and luckily Max was able to get the van over to the side of the road. We then had a group prayer, asking for guidance and faith to get us home. Luckily other people from our group saw us and pulled over. We realized it was a gas problem even though it said we had half a tank, and the other group went to go get us some gas and we were able to make it home safely. But wow, it was kind of scary. Even through all that though, yesterday was a really good day and I hadn't had one of those in a while. It was nice.

Future Posts:
Cheating Scandal
Road Trip to Humboldt

"You can more your soul out singing, a song you believe in, that tomorrow they'll forget you ever sang; sing it anyway"
~Martina McBride

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