Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Doubt me, I dare you

So for those of you who do not know yet last week (well 12/28-1/1) I was down in San Diego at a Winter Conference for Campus Crusade for Christ. It was an amazing experience and I had a great time. I got to meet a lot new people and I got a lot closer to others. You could really feel God working wonders there with a lot of people but to be honest I didn't really feel it until about the second to last night. On that night during our main session they spoke about going to different parts of the country for spring break, a summer project, or STINT (a year long project). Anyways for some reason just sitting there looking ahead in the pamphlet and I saw that they did programs in Mexico City. Right away I just knew that, that was what I was being called to do. Now I really enjoy going on mission trips and I feel that, that is how God is using be right now but I don't really see it as something I dedicate my life to. However, when I saw that I could live in Mexico for a year something inside of me just clicked and I knew that is what I wanted to do. So right then and there I made the decision that I would move down to Mexico City for a year once I graduate from college. Now some of you might think that I won't go through with this and if you think that it is fine with me because then I can just prove you wrong. But I really feel this is what I want to do and so I am going to make it happen. Now if you do believe I can do it, support and encouragement is appreciated. I know that it will still be about 4 years from now but that is a long time to have my mind be changed or things to occur that will move me from my decision. So keep me in your prayers that I can and will follow through and move to Mexico City. And if you doubt me, that is cool to, just be prepared to apologize for trying to bring me down. Thank you!

Future Posts:
*Cheating Scandal
*Cheesecake and too many forks

"Don't dismiss your dreams. To be without dreams is to be without hope; to be without hope is to be without purpose."


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Amy Grace said...

I had such a blast rooming with you!! Lets hang out soon!!

Ryan Maguire said...

I hope you do go to Mexico City! There are so many people there to reach. Better start studying Catholicism now so you can know their position better.