Saturday, January 13, 2007

There's No Place Like Home

I just finished watching the movie The Terminal and I loved it! But the last line of the movie is what inspired tonights (almost tomrrows) post. "I'm going home. I'm going home" and the way he said it was just so impactful. You know, he said it after a long thoughtful pause and then just said he wanted to go home. And it got me to start thinking about the importance and meaning of the word home. And while I'm thinking about it, certain catch phrases crept into my mind like "A house is not a home" and "Home is where the heart is". But what do I really feel about the word home? I throw it around loosely but do I really mean it all the time when I say it? I remember one day when I was talking with my friend Ryan and I had said something like "I have to go home before my next class" or something like that. And he said that it was funny that I was already calling my apartment home when I had only been living there for like a month. Every time I call my apartment in Fullerton home, I think about that. I mean is home really somewhere where the heart is? Or is it just a place where you go at night, a place where you live. I mean I considered my "home" in San Diego when I lived there. But then I moved, so did that mean my house in Temecula was considered "home"? Or was Temecula just home because that's where my family was? I mean how funny is it that every where you go it automatically becomes home? Should home be a matter of the heart or a matter of location? I think, home really is where the heart is, where the people you love and care about most in the world reside. I think San Diego, Temecula, and now Fullerton is my home, heck the whole state of California is my home. There's no other place I'd rather be. But I think when I do say I'm heading home, and I mean my apartment I think it is just because there is no other word for it.
Now while I was writing this it got me thinking about other things that people do or say loosely. Like the word "love" does it really lose its significance if it's just thrown around carelessly, if I tell everyone I see boy or girl that I love them all the time and even if I'm in a relationship and we get to the "i love you" stage if we say it ALL the time after every sentence does it lose its meaning? And sex, for people that sleep around or just have sex a lot with their boyfriend, doesn't it lose its specialness for the wedding night?
I know love and sex are in a whole different category than a home, but they are things that are for most of the time treated carelessly when they should be things that should be thought fondly and with affection.
Sorry if I rambled and didn't make sense 100% of the time.

*Future Posts*
*If any of the future posts i've mention in other posts seem interesting let me know and I'll write about it. Otherwise it may be awhile till I get to them.

Quote (and my new motto):
"I'll eat some breakfast, then, change the world."- Hairspray

1 comment:

Ryan Maguire said...

Hey Jessica,
I'm glad that I sorta helped inspire you to write a blog entry. I feel special! Very interesting subject. I always think that home is wherever my parents are. But if they ever move outside of Murrieta I wonder if I'm still going to feel the same way. I don't know.