Sunday, January 7, 2007

That Ain't No Stranger He's Family

So tonight I did something that probably wasn't the smartest of choices but I felt compelled to do it nonetheless. I was leaving the Pointe aftermath at In & Out at around um let's just say 9:15 and I was pulling out of my parking spot when I see this homeless man walking down across the parking lot pushing a shopping cart just piled with stuff. I was kind of with myself for recently cleaning out my car so I didn't have all my normal stash of water bottles because I could have given him the bottles to recycle rather than just throw them away. But I didn't have anything but 2 big water bottles stilled filled with water. I knew it probably wouldn't be the safest thing in the world to approach this guy but I wanted to anyway. So I drove up to him with my window partially open and I asked him if he wanted some bottles to collect even if they did have water in them. He told me he already had water and he didn't need anything and then he said God Bless and I drove away. I felt really good inside, even if I didn't actually do anything to help, maybe, just maybe he could have slept a little easier at night knowing that some people do care about him. I like to do nice things for people.

Future Posts:
*Apartment/Apartment Hunting
*Cheating Scandal
*Spinning in Circles to Make Decisions

"Don't be afraid to encounter risks. It is by taking chances that we learn how to be brave."


Ryan Maguire said...

I think it is very cool that you desire to help people. You should definitely be careful though (and you probably are). I read a book about a guy who chose to be homeless to fully rely on God to meet his needs. If you want to borrow it just let me know. A good way to help out a homeless person's needs is to buy them gift cards at fast food places. They can't really sell them for drugs/alcohol and they can choose whatever they want.

Amy Grace said...

You go girl!!