Thursday, January 25, 2007

All By Myself

After a little break I finally decided to try and attempt another entry. I'm still not really into writing right now so my apologies if this one isn't as well written as previous entries.

So, I had this idea for this post a while ago and didn't really plan on writing it anytime soon but after a request I decided to go for it anyways.
A while back, like way, way back, I hated to be alone. I never enjoyed being by myself. If I did happen to be alone I would talk on the phone or e-mail people. Even at church, I never wanted to walk around by myself. I'm not quite sure why I felt that way but it was a big part of my life for well 18 years. It wasn't until recently that I was wanting to actually be by myself. I mean when I walked around CSUF to classes I was alone but not really by choice but because there are 40,000 people around and I knew maybe like 5 of them. But I think my change of mind occured because my roommate was rubbing off on me. She would constantly go out to breakfast by herself or the movies or whatever. I always thought that was kind of odd because I could never imagine myself doing that. However, as time went on and as I slowly matured (I think I matured anyways) I began to realize being alone isn't so bad. Now I find myself wanting to be by myself now and then. To go and do something just myself. It's a good thought really, I mean you only have to worry about making plans with yourself, you don't have to worry about splitting a check, you can be spontaneous and just go whenever, and you're in the best of company. There are times when I would rather be with people, in fact most of the time I prefer company. However, being alone doesn't seem so bad. I like walking around by myself and go shopping and I think I'm even at the point where I could go catch a movie by myself if I wanted to. The best things could happen in the quiet. When I'm alone I get the chance to think a lot, I can write or read, I can sing as loud as I want, I make my own decisions, and lately I've had some amazing talks with God. These things can be done with others but for me, I do these things best when I'm alone. My advice for you, try and take time for yourself. I spend a lot of time by myself but that's not what I mean. I mean go to a restaurant by yourself or to a movie. Go for a walk, talk to yourself, even if it means people look at you like you're crazy. People look at me like I'm crazy all the time and that's perfectly ok with me. You'd be surprised at what you can learn about yourself and what you can discover and accomplish when you're by yourself. Most of the time I don't get those experiences, but hey, I'm new to this. But try it for yourselves, let me know how it works for you!

Future Posts:
*Randomness of me
*National Anthem
*Inner core
*Growing Up
*Raul the Ravioli
*Blast from the Past
(I know there's a lot to write about but I'll get to them all, I promise.)

"Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome."
~Booker T. Washington


Idhrendur said...

Through the past several years, I've had to be learning the opposite.

THough I did have to learn about the use of solitude and silence to seek after God. Yay for the spiritual disciplines!

AJ Harbison said...

Perhaps it happens in cycles....

"Well I love anonymity and I love being noticed / Just the same as anybody else / Years ago I told ya how I loved to be alone / But these days I'd be perjuring myself...." - Derek Webb ("Ballad of San Francisco," from the Caedmon's Call record Long Line of Leavers)
