Sunday, August 26, 2007

1st Week of My Second Year of College

Holy smokes...I'm a sophomore in college! That's so crazy to me! It seems like I should still be wandering the campus lost and confused but instead I'm rockin it like a rock star! So the beginning of the week ended with me in an emotional breakdown, but what else is new. My classes are pretty chill for the most part and I feel I can do pretty well in them. I may get fired for all my schedule changes in what not, but I'm hoping for the best. School isn't really all that important to me as bad as that sounds. Sure I want to do well, and I will try my damnest to do so, but it's not the first thing on my mind. Right now, I am just so caught up in all the great things God is doing in my life and with Campus Crusade. Our first meeting of the year had over 100 people!!! It was crazy! I remember I was in the back room with the worship team praying and when we came out the Titan Theatre was packed! I was seriously in a state of awe, I had no idea what to do! It was crazy and amazing! DJ did a great job with the message too. Ahh I'm still so excited about Crusade! And our first Dorm Revival had more people than ever before! I believe at the end of the night the final tally was 30, which was amazing!!! Mark is a pretty solid speaker as well. After this great first week, I have high hopes for the rest of the semester and I cannot wait to see what else God presents to me! So I may not believe I'm actually in my second year of college, but I sure am ready to strut my stuff!!!

Quote of the post:

Far too many people are looking for the right person, instead of just trying to be the right person.

1 comment:

Ryan Maguire said...

3 posts in one day!? I'm glad to see that the blog is back in action. I'm glad that you're stoked about CRU!