Sunday, May 18, 2008

She is running, a hundred miles an hour, in the worng direction.

I absolutely love this song (Does Anybody Hear Her- Casting Crowns). It really puts reality into perspective. How often do we go to church and see some one different from us or someone we don't want to socialize with so we do what we can to sit far away from them. We put up these barriers and we use them as security as to not get to know others, as to not break the conformity of it all. But are not we called to welcome in those we don't know. To love our neighbor as ourselves. Why must all our actions be based on judgements? Even in a church. Especially in a church. We all fall victim to it but yet we don't do much to change. I guess all it really takes is one person though, one person to stretch out a hand of mercy and welcome those who have felt lost and abandoned. It only starts with one. I want to be that one. Do you?

'Judgement looms under every steeple. With lofty glances from lofty people. We can't see past her scarlet letter, and we've never even met her."

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