Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I'm back...for how long, I'm not sure

I'm sorry I haven't written in a while. There's not so much time anymore as I'd hope there would be.

So we'll start with an update:
Last we left off it was last August. Since then I've changed my major (Religious Studies!), I've done A LOT with Crusade to the point of emotional break-down (yea, I know, it's bad), and had to cry to get a C in history. Yea, nothing too impressive but what can I say..that's how my life is. I still work at Barnes & Noble and tutoring at the school. It can be draining at times but you do what you have to do. I don't know how much longer I will be tutoring though, I lost the love for the job that I use to have for it. But I am working with Merrilee (well technically she works across the street from me but we still get to carpool) and that makes it a lot more enjoyable. Hmm lets see, we had Winter Conference again which was amazing! Again. I got to spend a lot of time with Ryan Kudla which was really good. I felt at a point he and I were drifting away but that week down there was good for us and we spent most of the time together, I think it saved our friendship, but shhh don't tell him I said that. What else, hmm, oh yea I got accepted to the summer project I wanted! So that is really exciting! I will be spending 10 weeks in Hampton Beach, NH! I'm excited but nervous, it is really hard to raise support, I thought the finacial support would come in easily but I didn't take in the fact that my family doesn't support me at all. But whatever, it's just the devil trying to interfere with God's plans for my life. Let's see, I was challenged to join the leadership team for Crusade this semester and I was thrilled and happily accepted. However, I think I jumped into things too fast. It was a hard transition but it really challenged me and strengthed me as a person. I was in charge of community stuff and it was kind of stressful because I kind of took it on by myself, but in the end I had a great team helping me out. I will probably do it again next semester but it's still up in the air. I'm not sure how things will work next semester because we have new staff leaders coming in. At first I was really sad about Brent and Lindsay leaving and LA Metro as a whole coming apart but now I'm excited and know this will be for the best.

Now for why I decided to write again (other than the fact the Ryan always pressures me to update!):

I'm halfway through my college experience! Holy crap! That's all I can say! I'm almost done with my second year of college, and because of my major change I only have 15 more classes to take. I can't believe that in another 2 years I will be a college graduate and having to face the world ahead of me. I don't know where I'm headed, I don't know what to do. God knows, I don't, but I trust He will lead me in the right direction. These last 2 years have seriously FLOWN by! I cannot believe where I am in life right now. I am a completely different person now than I was when I graduated high school. I like who I am, for the most part anyways. I owe a lot of that to Crusade. I honestly cannot even begin to imagine what my college life would have been like if I never wandered over to that one random table that one random day on the Titan Walk. What a blessing, that is for sure. I am freaked out that I am going to graduate relatively soon, but at the same time, I'm excited to see where these next two years will lead and what God has in store for me. It shall be exciting!

Love You Guys!!!

Quote of the Post:
"Watch your thoughts for they become your words. watch your words for they become your actions. watch your actions for they become your character. watch your character for it becomes your destiny."


Ryan Maguire said...

Yaayyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for posting. It made me happy

AJ Harbison said...

Welcome back to the blogging world Rowley! I was very surprised but excited to see your updates on my Google Reader. I hope you're back for a long time.

I know exactly what you mean about being stressed out with Crusade stuff. It's good to be wise and prudent, and take on only what you can handle, but know that your ministry has a greater impact than you could ever imagine and that God will provide for all of your needs.

And congratulations on being halfway through!!

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