Thursday, May 8, 2008

I have decided....

That I really hate moving.
Well maybe not so much the moving aspect of it as much as it is the packing. I'm too lazy to do it right. I mean I'd like to organize it accordingly so that when I move in somewhere new I can start out all organized, but that usually doesn't happen. I procrastinate so much (as I am doing now) and then end up either throwing a lot of things away (which isn't a bad thing) or I just throw it all in a box, mark it "random", tape it up, and go on with my merry way. I mean, my dad will be here in, I'm guessing, 4-5 hours and all i have packed is my books (which is actually like 5 boxes!), my movies, and my wall stuff. I still have two loads of laundry to do! Goodness! What am I doing with my life! I also have a whole book to read and two papers to write and a crap load of finals to study for! Oh well, story of my life.

On a sadder note.
I'm kind of sad to be leaving the Camdens. I mean I've lived here for 15 months! That's almost my whole "not-living-at-home" life! I've had some great times here. I've had 3 roommates come through here. I've had countless get togethers here. I've laughed, I've cried, I've yelled, I've rejoiced. This place holds a lot of memories and I'm going to be sad to see it go.

Quote of the Post:
"Do not pray for easy lives. pray to be stronger men."


AJ Harbison said...

I know what you mean about moving and packing too. I tend to be pretty organized, but it's always tough. As soon as I get a job down in the OC I'll be moving again too.... Just hang in there. Once you get to your new place it'll be worth it. Where are you going and with whom?


Ryan Maguire said...

Jessica! You've been bloggin and I didn't even know. I have some reading to do :)