Saturday, March 3, 2007

And the Rockets Red Glare..

This morning at 9:00 I stood in a line along with Ryan and a whole bunch of other people all hoping to be picked. You see, today was the National Anthem Auditions for the Rancho Cucamonga Quakes. I got there right on time but there were already tons of people anxiously waiting their turn. There were a lot of talented people and also a lot of untalented people. It was very windy and the wait was long. I was getting very anxious and nervous the longer I waited but I just kept reminding myself that I could do it and that I am a good singer. When it was almost my turn I was more concerned about what city I would say I am from. San Diego? Temecula? Fullerton? I finally decided on Fullerton since that is what it says on my registration form. When it came time for me to go up, I walked to the judges with a smile on my face, walked up the stairs to the stage, grabbed the microphone, and sang my heart out. I think I did well, it's hard to judge when you are up there singing. I don't think I sang it in the key that I practiced but that's ok, I did hit the "free" note so that was nice. I felt really confident on the stage, like I felt comfortable, but then again I always feel comfortable on stages. My voice didn't quiver at all so that was a relief. Ryan gave me an 8 out of 10 and said he thinks I could get picked. I hope so. They pick about 70 people, so I hope I'm one of them. I won't know until March 30th so it's going to be a long wait, but I'll manage. If I don't get it though, I'll just keep trying, I've decided that one audition won't keep me down.

oh yea, the mascot After Shock gave me a shoulder massage, and I'm not going to was nice.

1 comment:

Idhrendur said...

Rock on! I'm proud of you for making the attempt! And I'm praying that you get picked, too!