Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Men of God

Last night I came up with this topic and I really wanted to write and just now had time...dang psychology class!


At Dorm Revival I was looking around our group and I noticed that there was a lot more guys there than girls. For some reason I thought that was kind of odd. I'm not sure why. In my high school youth group there seemed to be more girls but in my college group there are more guys, not a lot more though. I just really like seeing that there are a lot of men of God out there. Whenever I went with my youth group down to Mexico the guys would form a soccer team and would then go to a field and start playing and find others to play with. The point of this was that a lot of the men down there think it is not "manly" to be a Christian. So our guys get rough and rowdy and dirty and smelly and show them that Christian guys are just as manly as non-believers...if not more in some instances. I guess I just think of that so much whenever I think of the guys at my church or at Campus Crusade. In most of my other groups or classes, it is usually female driven, but I do like the fact that there are so many guys that are believers. Now don't get me wrong, there are a lot of girls to, but I don't know, I'm just fond of guys, what can I say, and I like knowing there are a lot of good guys in the world.
Although, it seems nowadays there are 10 not so good guys for every good guy.

Future Posts:
*Randomness of me
*Guarding the heart/ defining moment
*Growing Up
*Blast from the Past
(I know there's a lot to write about but I'll get to them all, I promise.)

"When you dwell on the past, you let go of the future"

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