Thursday, February 15, 2007

Do Re Mi....O Say Can You See

I miss singing. I love singing more than anything. I mean, I sing all the time, in my car, in the shower, in the halls at school, in grocery stores, at malls, you name it and I've sung there. But I miss choir, I miss voice lessons, I miss the worship band. Everything. I was in choir for 8 years and I've been singing since I could talk (I have pictures!). I didn't really like voice lessons when I had them but that's just because my teacher was crazy. I wish I was financially stable enough to start up voice lessons again. I just miss the training of the voice. Lately I have on and off days because I don't sing properly like I use to. It's frustrating. And then the thing I miss the most is being part of the worship band at church. I only was a part of it for about 7 months but I loved it. I am forever grateful that our worship leader Grant believed in me enough to give me a chance. That meant the world to me. Especially when one night after I was done singing a girl that I didn't even know came up to me and told me I had one of the most beautiful voices she had ever heard. That was one of the most touching things anyone has ever told me. I mean I'd like to think I have a pretty good voice but I can never be 100% sure. So when people tell me those things, especially out of the blue, it really means a lot. The other night a friend of mine also told me I had an amazing voice. It was totally random and unexpected but I felt very touched. And lately I've been thinking about singing more and more. My friends Nat and Richard are in choir and when they talk about it, it just reminds me of my choir days. I just want to sing! I want to perform again. It's what I love to do! Lately I've been wanting to sing the National Anthem. Well it's not something I've recently wanted to do, I've always wanted to do it, it's one of my goals. But lately the desire has been stronger. Awhile ago I was out to lunch with some people from church and they were going around the table asking everyone what is one thing we want to accomplish before we die. Mine was to sing the National Anthem at a baseball game in a baseball stadium. Any game, any team, any stadium. I just want to so badly. I just wish I knew how to go about doing that.
Singing is my passion and my dream, there's very few things I love more.

Future Posts:
*Randomness of me
*Guarding the heart/ defining moment
*Growing Up
*Blast from the Past
(I know there's a lot to write about but I'll get to them all, I promise.)

"Only by going too far can one possibly find out how far one can go."
~Jon Dyer

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